Monday 11 November 2013

Remembering Johnny Walker!

Johnny Walker

On Walker’s birth anniversary, we bring the five best movies of the man who could tickle our funny bone till we had our stomachs in knots

Badruddin Jamaluddin Kazi was born on November 11, 1926 in Indore and was working as a bus conductor for Mumbai’s BEST when actor and scriptwriter Balraj Sahani spotted Kazi entertaining the passengers on boards with his antics. It was then- in 1950 that he introduced him to Guru Dutt for the role of a comedian in the movie Baazi. So impressed was Guru Dutt with his acting of a drunkard that he christened him “Johnny Walker” after the famous Scotch brand. Since then, Johnny Walker has done more than 200 films and has made more than million people role on the floor with laughter. Though, it was a task, we managed to list his five best movies for you. Read on…
Baazi: This was Johhny’s first movie and it made him what he is today- Johhny Walker. Etched in our memories, this stick thin man, with pencil lined mustache started his journey with this movie. Guru Dutt was so impressed with his performance that he later went on to give him work in almost every movie that he made.
CID: His role in this movie was one of the most memorable ones. He played the role of ‘Master’, a petty pickpocket and had one of the most important roles in the script.
Pyaasa: Johnny played one of the most famous roles of his film career in this movie- Abdul Sattar. The cult song Sar jo tera chakraaye is one of the most remembered songs even today.
Naya Daur: This movie had him playing the role of a photographer- Anjana who plays an important link in the movie’s story. His performance in the movie was appreciated because of the sensitivity of his character.
Madhumati: The movie was immensely successful at the box office and Johnny Walker’s songJungle mein more nacha is still remembered as a classic. He played his classic drunk in the movie and his character name was Charandas.

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