Monday 11 November 2013

Who stood by Shahrukh Khan in his bad times?

Chennai Express

Shahrukh has had his bad times. But who stood by the Chennai Express actor then?

We all have our highs and lows in life and we need someone to be with us during both good and bad times, right? And celebs from B-town are no different. Every actor’s life goes through ups and downs. Shahrukh Khan who is ruling the Bollywood today also had his lows but do you know who was with him during his bad times?Well, it’s none other than Zee. Yes, you got it right. Zee- the TV channel. No we aren’t joking.
Shahrukh along with her Chennai Express co-star Deepika Padukone and director Rohit Shetty was present at the success party of Chennai Express’ world TV premiere on Zee. At the event, Shahrukh confessed that whenever his films failed to get the cash registers ringing, it was Zee that came to his rescue. “I have been associated with Zee from a very long time now. It has happened two three times when my movies have been a complete flop. At that time I went to Zee red faced and told them to buy my films and make it work somehow. So Zee TV has stood by me whenever I was in trouble”, said Shahrukh at the event.
Well, now that Chennai Express has created records on television as well, we are sure that Shahrukh won’t be all red faced while entering the Zee office now.

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